Projects & Events

Transition Dialogue — Konferenz in Sofia / Conference in Sofia

Transition Dialogue in Sofia

Transition Dialogue — Konferenz in Sofia Am 22. und 23. November fand in Sofia eine Konferenz zur Vorbereitung der weiteren Arbeit zum Thema «Transition Dialogue» statt — eine Kooperation von Sofia Platform und DRA mit Unterstützung der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb). Von den Konferenzteilnehmern – Experten, Vertreter der Bildungseinrichtungen und NGOs – wurde erörtert, […]

Transition Dialogue — Konferenz in Sofia / Conference in Sofia Читать дальше »

The Changes since the 80s and the war in Eastern Ukraine

Transition Dialogue Panel on the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine 9. November 2016 at Böll-Foundation Berlin, DRA Autumn Talks on Conflict Resolution in the Donbass Region The war in Eastern Ukraine widely disappeared from from press coverage and international notice. But the conflict goes on and the Minsk peace process is shaky. After discussing prospects for

The Changes since the 80s and the war in Eastern Ukraine Читать дальше »

In the course of the Maidan revolution: Nova Kraina

Nova Kraina is a think tank and a civil platform that was also founded during the Maidan revolution. After 2014, there were many groups who proposed reforms to the government. A lot of Ukrainians committed themselves to volunteer in these civil society action groups – otherwise it would be impossible to move on. Nova Kraina aims

In the course of the Maidan revolution: Nova Kraina Читать дальше »