Projects & Events

NECE Congress «Us» and «them» Greece, October 22-24, 2015

Workshop I What motivates people to become a driver of change in a time of transition? Results from a Workshop at the 2015 NECE Conference in Thessaloniki, 22nd October 2015 Why we are asking this question “Transition ends when we have disenchantment,” we learned in our first meeting in Sofia. But when transition ends due […]

NECE Congress «Us» and «them» Greece, October 22-24, 2015 Читать дальше »

Россия: Поколение транзита

«Поколение транзита». Любовь Борусяк, Алексей Левинсон, Василий Жарков, Денис Волков, Сергей Лукашевский, Полина Филиппова. Обсуждение в Сахаровском Центре на 3 сентября 2015 г. Talk at Sakharov Center in Moscow on the Transition Generation in Russia Klick here for an English and German summary of the talk Сергей Лукашевский: Общая тема нашего разговора – попытка очертить

Россия: Поколение транзита Читать дальше »

Russia: A Generation in Transition — Talk

Talking about the Transition Generation Summary of a discussion at Sakharov Centre hold on September 3rd 2015 by Lubov Boruciak, Aleksey Levinson, Vassily Sharkov, Dennis Volkov, Sergey Lukashevsky and Polina Filipova. кликните здесь для полного русской версии и видео See Website Sakharov Center in English What is the concept of „transit“ — what did actually

Russia: A Generation in Transition — Talk Читать дальше »