
Germany: Chances of identification for communities

Vacancies — eyesores or/and (new) chances of identification for communities:  How to support initiatives of people and their voluntary work to successfully breath new life into unoccupied buildings Mandy Schulze, Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute of Education, Germany Abstract. Since 1990 the rural regions of East Germany experienced a great social and political transformation, followed […]

Germany: Chances of identification for communities Читать дальше »

Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition

«The good, the bad and the Eastern Europeans — refugees and the communist past.» Under this headline, Iva Kopraleva and Rafaela Tripalo from Transition Dialogue Network presented research results from Bulgaria and Croatia at the conference «Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition, Children of War» in November in Vienna. Together with Louisa Slavkova, they have

Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition Читать дальше »

Breaking the Silence: Memories of the Times of Change

As different as the transition experience was among people in the same country (let alone among the three countries), most interviews reveal a similar crucial experience of lasting impact: loss of trust, rules or orientation // Findings from inter-Generation Talks and Interviews with the “Children of Change” from Ukraine, Russia and Germany As Transition Dialogue-Network,

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