
Closing conference of Transition Dialogue 2019-2021

On Thursday 31st March and Friday 1st April, we gathered both online and in the Rotes Rathaus in the centre of Berlin to mark the closing of the programme “Transition Dialogue” and to present the handbook that has been the result of the hard work of the project and its coordinators. Our conference was particularly […]

Closing conference of Transition Dialogue 2019-2021 Читать дальше »

Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition

«The good, the bad and the Eastern Europeans — refugees and the communist past.» Under this headline, Iva Kopraleva and Rafaela Tripalo from Transition Dialogue Network presented research results from Bulgaria and Croatia at the conference «Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition, Children of War» in November in Vienna. Together with Louisa Slavkova, they have

Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition Читать дальше »

Workshop NECE conference 2015: «Otherness» through the eyes of the generation of transition

The workshop explores the way the generation of transition understands the notion of “otherness” and how their current perception has been influenced by the process of transition towards democracy in the post-communist space. The participants present the results of a small scale study on the topic, conducted in several countries from Eastern and Central Europe.

Workshop NECE conference 2015: «Otherness» through the eyes of the generation of transition Читать дальше »