
Women’s Revolution

The role of women in conflict and transition societies is significant for a variety of reasons. Women are active agents of change and a driving force. In December 2020, the conference “A women’s revolution” took place, where we undertook an intensive, virtual journey around the world to understand the true dimension of the role of […]

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Transition Dialogue — Konferenz in Sofia / Conference in Sofia

Transition Dialogue in Sofia

Transition Dialogue — Konferenz in Sofia Am 22. und 23. November fand in Sofia eine Konferenz zur Vorbereitung der weiteren Arbeit zum Thema «Transition Dialogue» statt — eine Kooperation von Sofia Platform und DRA mit Unterstützung der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb). Von den Konferenzteilnehmern – Experten, Vertreter der Bildungseinrichtungen und NGOs – wurde erörtert,

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What Women got from Change: Interview with Mihaela Miroiu

Mihaela Miroiu (born in 1955), Professor at the National University of Political and Administrative Studies Bucharest, is one of the most important feminist scholars in the Eastern Europe. She initiated the first courses of Gender Studies in Romania, contributed to the feminism activism movement and published noumerous volumes on feminist ethics and philosophy. In the

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