
An online expert workshop «Transition Dialogue 2019 — 2021»

On Wednesday, March 17, 2021, an online expert workshop was held for members of project groups within the international project «Transition Dialogue 2019 — 2021 — Dealing with Change in Democratic Ways.» The Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar led the Croatian team, in cooperation with the Znanje na djelu / Wissen am Werk Foundation.

An online expert workshop «Transition Dialogue 2019 — 2021» Читать дальше »

Approaching the German unification process using the example of history teaching in Bavaria and Saxony

Jan Dreyer, history teacher, has been examining and researching the ways in which the transition process and reunification period is approached German history text books and has written this report that compares his findings across textbooks in Bavaria and Saxony.  Within the short period of time between the fall of the Berlin Wall and the

Approaching the German unification process using the example of history teaching in Bavaria and Saxony Читать дальше »