Transition of Ukraine
Transition of Ukraine Читать дальше »
As a child, Jaroslav won a trip to Switzerland in the Red Cross drawing competion, that was announced in the Pioneers Newspaper. But still in 1991 authorities tried to hide the victory from him in order not to let him travel… A story of change from Ukraine.
Jaroslav Belinskiy interview, Kyiv Читать дальше »
«The good, the bad and the Eastern Europeans — refugees and the communist past.» Under this headline, Iva Kopraleva and Rafaela Tripalo from Transition Dialogue Network presented research results from Bulgaria and Croatia at the conference «Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition, Children of War» in November in Vienna. Together with Louisa Slavkova, they have
Deutschlandforschertagung 2016 — Children of Transition Читать дальше »