What motivates people to become a driver of change in a time of transition?

Results from a Workshop at the 2015 NECE Conference in Thessaloniki, 22nd October 2015 Why we are asking this question “Transition ends when we have disenchantment,” we learned in our first meeting in Sofia. But when transition ends due to disenchantment, it does not mean, that everything is ‘done’. Rather, people have become frustrated about the transition process, they do not believe in their possibility to bring about change. As activists, teachers, researchers in the

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Workshop NECE conference 2015: «Otherness» through the eyes of the generation of transition

The workshop explores the way the generation of transition understands the notion of “otherness” and how their current perception has been influenced by the process of transition towards democracy in the post-communist space. The participants present the results of a small scale study on the topic, conducted in several countries from Eastern and Central Europe. Olena Pravylo, Congress of Cultural Activists (Ukraine) Rafaela Tripalo, “Stiftung Wissen am Werk” (Knowledge at Work Foundation, Croatia) Iva Kopraleva,

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Workshop NECE conference 2015: How to motivate people to become a driver of change

“Transition ends when we have disenchantment,” we learned in our first meeting in Sofia. But when transition ends due to disenchantment, it does not mean, that everything is ‘done’. Rather, people have become frustrated about the transition process, they do not believe in their possibility to bring about change. As activists, teachers, researchers in the wide field of civil society and citizenship education one of our main concerns is how to empower people. How to encourage them

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Thinking about transition

In all the states of the former Eastern Bloc, the so called 3rd Generation – those born between 1975 and 1985 – has made transformation experiences in an age of adolescence. In-between breakdown and new beginnings, impoverishment and unknown abundance of goods, new role models and lasting confusion and insecurity. With the promise, that all boarders are now gone and the sticky feeling, that a lot of them are still there, just elsewhere and reshaped. But

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Reanimation Package of Reforms: From Maidan to Policy Making

In 2014 the Maidan Revolution overthrew the government of president Yanukovich. Unlike after the Orange Revolution years before, many of the protesters decided that this time they would not go home and hope that things will change for the better — just because there is a new government. They had come to stay and help building a new country. One of them is Artem Myrgorodskyi. After he had helped to evacuate wounded people in the

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How painting a door may change peoples mind on community

The activists of „Dyvovyzhni“ use small tools to change the attitude of people. Like painting the entrance of an average apartment block. Sounds like no big deal? It is! There are many stories on how people change their society or community for the better. However, most initiatives rely on people who made the first step to active citizenship themselves. Maria Nasiedkina’s NGO „Dyvovyzhni“ is a wonderful example of a different kind. Find Dyvovyzhni on Facebook

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Kiev Networking Congress — Workshop Impressions

The partners of the Transition Dialogie Network took part at the Congress of Cultural Activists’ Networking Weekend in April 2016 in Kiev/Ukraine. The Networking Weekend “Communities&Advocacy” brought together professionals and experts from all over Ukraine and Europe. The participants worked on building field cooperation and finding solutions to develop their joint action pro-gramme focused on their specific projects and interests in order to support the Ukraine transformation process  and the development of civil society with

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NECE Congress «Us» and «them» Greece, October 22-24, 2015

Workshop I What motivates people to become a driver of change in a time of transition? Results from a Workshop at the 2015 NECE Conference in Thessaloniki, 22nd October 2015 Why we are asking this question “Transition ends when we have disenchantment,” we learned in our first meeting in Sofia. But when transition ends due to disenchantment, it does not mean, that everything is ‘done’. Rather, people have become frustrated about the transition process, they

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Bulgaria: Remembrance versus ignorance

Communism and its long shadows Bulgaria embarked on the path to transition towards democracy on 10 November 1989 when the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party relieved Todor Zhivkov of his duties as a Secretary General of the Party and as a Head of State. After almost half a century of authoritarianism, the political and economic system in the country changed rapidly and drastically, at least at first glance. However, behind the democratic exterior

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Россия: Поколение транзита

«Поколение транзита». Любовь Борусяк, Алексей Левинсон, Василий Жарков, Денис Волков, Сергей Лукашевский, Полина Филиппова. Обсуждение в Сахаровском Центре на 3 сентября 2015 г. Talk at Sakharov Center in Moscow on the Transition Generation in Russia Klick here for an English and German summary of the talk Сергей Лукашевский: Общая тема нашего разговора – попытка очертить рамки подхода к проблеме, которую можно было бы назвать «поколением транзита». Конечно, когда это произносится на условном Западе, имеется в

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A Letter on Transition from Ukraine

Transition is never ending in Ukraine. Some people think that their parents’ generation was much more happier. Maybe we mentally are on a new level, but standards of our livings are still very far away from our expectation. We had some chances that we could pass as an elevator into the Future, but these features are not implemented, society is not ready yet. The Soviet system was a completely different paradigm in which the world

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Russia: A Generation in Transition — Talk

Talking about the Transition Generation Summary of a discussion at Sakharov Centre hold on September 3rd 2015 by Lubov Boruciak, Aleksey Levinson, Vassily Sharkov, Dennis Volkov, Sergey Lukashevsky and Polina Filipova. кликните здесь для полного русской версии и видео See Website Sakharov Center in English What is the concept of „transit“ — what did actually happen in Russia in the last 25, 3o years? That was the first focus of the talk, while the second

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