Andrii Chernousov: «I thought it could change the way of decision making»

«When I saw a ballet on TV in August of 1991 I thought that something went wrong. Because in that period of the day actually there were news or whatever else but not a ballet! And than these four guys came on stage and started speaking that there was a kind of rebellion or some sort of revolution and changing power. And I saw that we are on a refresh of a new era! So things will change.

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Stanislav Kuvaldin: «It was the time when many roles seized to exist»

«I think that I began to think profoundly about the 90s was several years ago. I feel that I don’t have nothing that was garanteed for sure in the 90s. As I remember in the time of the 90s I remember them rather negatively. But the reality around me was something…well it was the best period for all of us. But now I fell I missed the feeling of carnival. That was the time about. It

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Aleksandra: «Now our vote was counting»

«I was still young when it was 1989 and after. But I remember that earlier it was not right to say what you really thought. So you had to support things that you were not sure of or you pretended to support a statement you really disagreed. And then you had the chance to say what you really wanted to say and to think of your own, to vote in real elections. And your vote

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Marta Sykut: «The change was more natural»

At a conference in Thessaloniki in October 2015, we asked participants from Eastern and South-eastern Europe about their “Transition Moment”. Could they tell us a little story of a moment, when they realised that something was changing fundamentally in the early 90s.

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Tengiz Gualli (Akhmedov): «Old documents or database were missing, stolen or burned»

«One significant moment that really changed my life somehow was when I was allowed to change my (Russian) sir name into my original sir name. And I figured out that this was very complicated and very odd. It’s actually not possible because of all these old documents and database, that was somehow the prove of the history were all these people were living, were just burned. Some of them were stolen, some of them were missing.

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Marta Sykut: «The change was more natural»

«At the time when the change actually happened I was very little. So I have very few memories from that time. So I think by the time I became more aware the things were already new. I think you could gradually see like more TV channels available and color TV. Toys that you have heard of in TV programs became available. I think it was like this realization from the level of consumption really than

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«It opened the world for me»

At a conference in Thessaloniki in October 2015, we asked participants from Eastern and South-eastern Europe about their “Transition Moment”. Could they tell us a little story of a moment, when they realised that something was changing fundamentally in the early 90s.

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Maryna Minova: «Open borders and international cooperations are possible now»

«When I was a student in the educational system of the Sowjet Union there was one situation. And Belarus was part of the Sowjet Union. And now our Country is an independent state. And there are a lot of changes in our life and in my personal life, too. For example the open borders and international cooperations are possible now. I am a teacher and it is very important for me to cooperate with teachers

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