Daniela Gologan: «Now it’s more material»

«I realized that something was changing when I went to the lyceum. Because it was a period when US series appeared about boys and girls, about how to dress, about the smartphones, about the relation between girls and boys. In that moment I realized that something has changed. Something is different now. Because when I was a little girl it wasn’t important how you dress and if your smartphone is more expensive than mine. If

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Tatiana Zhurzhenko: «It was a moment of great uncertainty»

«One moment was of course the August putsch in Moscow. And it was a moment of great incertainty. We were very young, we were students and didn’t know how the situation will develop. I think because we were very young we were not very afraid. And the second moment was when Yeltsin shot the Russian parliament. I am from Eastern Ukraine and very close to Russia. We still lived like in the Russian information space at that time.

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Country Profile — Croatia

POLITICAL TRANSITION The beginning of the transition period in Croatia can be traced back to January 1990 — 10 years of a gradual dissolving of the socialist state had passed since Tito´s death — when Slovenian and Croatian representatives left the extraordinary 14th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia before the end. The elections were held soon after, and both Slovenia and Croatia voted for politicians who represented a more autonomous republican option.

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„Es geht nicht um einen Minimalkonsens“

„Mapping Memories of Post-1989 Europe“ —  Konferenz 29.11. — 01.12.2015 in Wien. Polina Filippova, Sacharow-Zentrum Moskau, nahm als Mitglied des Transition Dialogue-Netwerkes an der Konferenz teil. Beitrag von Maria Ugoljew, freie Journalistin Wien. Historiker und Aktivisten begaben sich auf der Konferenz „Mapping Memories of Post-1989 Europe“ in Wien auf die Suche nach einem gemeinsamen Narrativ für Europa. Dazu wurden in Workshops und auf Podiumsdiskussionen gegenwärtige ost- wie westeuropäische Diskurse skizziert, Forschungsprojekte vorgestellt und Gemeinsamkeiten sowie Unterschiede in

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DRA e.V. Badstraße 44 D-13357 Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30 446 680 0 Fax. +49 (0)30 446 680 10 E-Mail: info@austausch.org Spendenkonto des DRA: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN-Nr.: DE83 1002 0500 0003 3181 00 BIC/Swift Code: BFSWDE33BER Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand: Kathrin Hartmann, Hanno Gundert, Tim Bohse Geschäftsführung: Stefan Melle Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Registernummer: VR12005 ViSdP: Geschäftsführung Design: Dörte Grimm Haftungsausschluss: Haftung für Inhalte Die Inhalte unserer Seiten wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität

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Bulgaria and the issue of «Otherness»

OTHERNESS THROUGH THE EYES OF THE GENERATION OF TRANSITION IN BULGARIA The biggest and arguably most important group of people in Bulgaria today is the so called “generation of transition”. Those are the individuals, born between the late 1960s/early1970s and 1989. They are currently taking most important decisions and serve as a driver in today’s society. They largely shape the societal attitudes towards certain events or phenomena and have the influence to steer society in

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Country Profile — Bulgaria

Can you mark the beginning and the end of the transition period? What marked it? When was the moment “when history stopped”? The initial point of the transition period in Bulgaria is fairly easy to pinpoint as it coincides with the fall of the Communist rule in the country — 10 November 1989. At the same time, the question of the end of transition is a complex one as some Bulgarians would question whether transition

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Country profile — Germany

How is the period of transition framed in your country? What allows us to label a generation the “Transition Generation” as such? What are uniting experiences and phenomena? In the German case the most emotional event of course was the fall of the Berlin Wall on the 9th of November in 1989. These pictures are deeply written in the historical memory of the whole nation. But on both sides of the wall, the associations and

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Germany — Generation in Transition

Who is the Generation of transition? The Third Generation[1] of East Germany The Third Generation of East Germany is described as those who were born between 1975 and 1985 in East Germany. It involves about 2.4 million young people who can be considered as a generation due to their cohort membership and by a similarly stored imprint of the experience of 1989 and the subsequent upheaval. They were socialist within two systems the socials and

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