Quiz on the transition period from the Open Lithuania Foundation

Last year marked the 30th anniversary of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of communism. What followed afterwards was a period of transition that in some parts continues even to this day. These events and their effects on people’s lived experience continue to actively shape the social, cultural and political life in these countries. For the younger generations, it is much harder to grasp what the time under communism and the following transition out of it was like, as we now enter a time where our youngest generations have no living memory or experience of those times. Their perception and knowledge of them are therefore often based on what older generations tell them, which can warp their view on the discourse surrounding them.

Our Lithuanian partners in the TD network, the Open Lithuania Foundation (OLF), created a quiz for young people so that they may explore the transition period and learn more about it. The transition realities of countries in the post-Soviet space and the CEE region are exhibited via several questions on different topics, and corresponding explanations are then given. The quiz can be used both as a teaching tool in the class and as an additional learning resource for students. The quiz is available in Lithuanian and English.
