
GERMANY – DRA e.V. (Berlin)  

The DRA e.V. is an international non-governmental organization that has been committed to peaceful coexistence among citizens in a democratic Europe that transcends borders since 1992. The DRA supports the development of pluralistic societies in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia as well as the EU and advocates a peaceful dialogue between Germany and the countries of Eastern Europe. The focus of international project work includes the fields of education, youth exchange, civil rights, history, environment, media and social affairs. Since 2015 the DRA, together with Sofia Platform, has been the main coordinator of the “Transition Dialogue” network. From 2009-2011 the DRA was the initiator and founding member and from 2014 the sponsor of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. The project “Different Wars” was developed in this context – a comparative historical image analysis of six countries about the Second World War ( 

The DRA has a partner organization of the same name in Russia.

Conference: “Rethinking the Democratic Future” with the panel “Challenges of Transition.”

Democracy in the world today faces new challenges. Some of them, such as populism and a lack of democratic procedure, can be traced back to the collapse of the socialist world before 1989 and the subsequent transition out of communism. From April 26-28, 2021, the international conference “Rethinking the Democratic Future: Lessons from the 20th […]

Conference: “Rethinking the Democratic Future” with the panel “Challenges of Transition.” Read More »

Transformation als Lebensschule

Ostdeutsche Frauen-Biographien als Reibungspunkte der Generationen „In meinen Gesprächen habe ich immer wieder gemerkt: Da ist etwas, was es bei den Frauen im Westen Deutschlands noch nicht und im Osten Deutschlands noch immer gibt: das tief verinnerlichte Wissen, dass Arbeit Selbständigkeit verleiht, dass Kinder zum Leben dazugehören, dass es keine Schande ist, seine Kinder in

Transformation als Lebensschule Read More »