Welcome to Transition Dialogue!

As practitioners of history and civic education, our network is committed to the critical evaluation of the period of post-socialist transformation from 1989 onward, to investigating the ways of coming to terms with its political consequences in the present-day societies, and to providing educational resources on transition and how it can be approached by teachers and educators.  More details about our network and video interviews with our partners

Here you will find:

  • information about our past and current projects
  • our publications and teaching materials, such as our newest handbook for history and civic educators
  • our collection of stories: events, podcasts, exhibitions, conferences, and more, that provoke reflection and questions on this period of the past and its resonance in the present, which you can also browse through by countries

You can also watch what our partners have to say about our work here below:

“It opened the world for me”

At a conference in Thessaloniki in October 2015, we asked participants from Eastern and South-eastern Europe about their “Transition Moment”. Could they tell us a little story of a moment, when they realised that something was changing fundamentally in the early 90s.

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